About Us
Our Mission
Toronto Radiology is at the forefront of healthcare innovation, dedicated to transforming patient care, leading in Medical Imaging education, and advancing the field of radiology AI. Our commitment spans across these pillars, driving excellence in clinical radiology through cutting-edge approaches and technological integration.
Toronto Radiology has proudly served the patient community at St. Michael’s Hospital in downtown Toronto for over 60 years. Renowned for our excellence in clinical practice and education, we stand as one of the four major fully affiliated academic radiology departments at the University of Toronto.
Throughout our extensive history, our expert radiologists have pioneered innovative clinical tests and techniques across various radiology domains. Recognized with frequent University teaching awards, our radiologists contribute to the growth and development of radiology residents and fellows.
Engaged in world-class research, our faculty radiologists not only share their expertise as sought-after speakers at international radiology meetings but also serve as trusted clinical consultants for complex imaging issues within our community.
Toronto Radiology stands as a trusted healthcare provider for the patients of St. Michael’s Hospital. Affiliated with the University of Toronto, our distinguished faculty radiologists bring a wealth of expertise in teaching and clinical excellence. Rest assured in our commitment to innovation and research, ensuring you receive quality care at Toronto Radiology for all your imaging needs.
Welcome to Toronto Radiology, the academic doctors specialized in radiology based at St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto. These doctors serve patients, doctors, students, and academic partners with unparalleled quality. I am excited to share this website with information about this radiology practice with you. If you could benefit from the services of one of the radiologists or are interested in working together in education or research, please get in touch.
— Dr. Anish Kirpalani, Chief of Radiology
Our Values
Excellence in Radiology
Pursue excellence in value-based patient care in radiology
Equity (fairness) in decision-making
Teamwork and Respect
Working as a team and have respect for each other and what each of us does
Pursue innovation across the academic radiology spectrum
Embrace and utilize data to optimally manage our practice and to advance & grow